Love Poem: Give Love a Home
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Written by: Elizabeth Adams

Give Love a Home


If you are lucky enough to find love my son
Cherish and secure it, give it a home

There is no point to grow what you will not own
Know love for love and declare it so

Experience the ecstasy in sharing the world with a companion 
Share thoughts! Share feelings! Share the dumbest opinion 

To lose yourself and find you in the heart of another
To hold hands with someone and create forever 
To feel the pain, the joy, the heartbeat of a lover

Like a blossoming flower grows into a paradise 
Paint a picture of love in your lover's eyes

Welcome the pleasures of love and decorate your life 
Make sweet love in love,  make her your wife

No matter how you roam own a home so dear
Build the home in her arms with delicate care
One you will always belong to,  though far or near