Give Me Some Words
Give Me Some Words
by Amy Swanson 12/2008
Give me some words
and I'll give you a rhyme
A few precious thoughts,
just a bit of your time
Let's love one another
and sing a new song
Keep all that's right
and fix all that's wrong
Greet the new day
with a kiss and a smile
With the knowledge that
living this life is worthwhile.
Sing a new lyric
and hear with our heart
Combine all the separate
that keeps us apart
Out with the old,
and in with the new;
Out with the "me"
and in with the "you"
Loving each other
eternity's key
It's beginnings are old...
it continues with me.
We must let love's message
of learning to trust
dwell never ending
in each one of us.
If you or I think
that we don't need each other
How can any stand
with no sister, no brother?
So give me some words
and I'll give you a rhyme
We'll share life's sweet poem
one line at a time.