Give To Live
“Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.” - C.S. Lewis
In spite of the fear, the darkness, the dread
That comes from lost feelings, feelings so breathless
They race toward the smiles, the kindnesses, the light
Leaving shimmering hope in their tracks, trailing
Memories of joy, inspiration and appreciation
Affection for the one who stirs such satisfaction
In spite of the moments when hope is scattered
Like dandelion seeds after someone breathes a wish…
There is a belief, sympathies that blend together, healing
Broken wings, broken dreams, broken things
With compassion that finds a way to believe in grace
Have faith in the heart who prays for His wisdom
In spite of the worry, the anxiety and dismay
Trepidation that finds a way to bring shadows
Even to the emotions, pouring out like rains of elation
Wonder from knowing that His love will always be
The answer to freedom, deliverance from the pain
Redemption from the desperation and depression
In spite of every doubt, every cloud of loss or lack
There is a knowing, deep down inside where He hides
His affection, His acceptance, His abiding mercy
There is a place where the heart can find the blessing
Pray for His gift – the love that lifts every concern
Abides inside where we can always know real hope
In spite of ourselves – our nightmares and terrors
Those thing that come to destroy our dreams, our peace
There is a love that sings, through scriptures, psalms
Songs of a love that forever abides, forever calms – dries
Every tear with the promise of a devotion that assures
The heart will always love with steadfastness, commitment
Love like this can’t be bought or sold
It can never be hoarded, but must become
A gift to those we know, those we hope to bless
The way we have been blessed by the One
Who created us to love without conditions
With a love that only He could arouse within us