Giving Alms
Give your alms in secret,
Don't let the whole world know.
Do it from the depths of your heart;
Not for an outside show.
When someone makes a request from you,
Because of a personal need.
Don't talk about what you have done for them;
Just let it be a good deed.
If you talk about them,
And think that it won't get around.
What you have done to them;
Is made them the talk of the town.
God truly knows the needs of man,
And has set aside provisions.
When people chosen to minister to needs...TALK!!
It causes great divisions.
At the very least they will leave you alone;
And disrespect yorur ministry and how it has grown.
They will tell others who need help, don't go over there,
They only need things to talk about, they don't really care.
When someone is in need, and you reach out to help,
Remarks about what you have done, leaves them with a whelp.
You will break their hearts and wound their hurting spirit;
And the Holy Words from you...they will not want to hear it.
For you have taken the Word;
And used it for your own glory,
And ran out to tell;
The whole wide world (www) their personal story.
So give your alms in secret;
Don't let the whole world know.
Let it be from the depths of your heart;
Not for an outside show.
For Churches, Home Mission Organizations, Charitable Organizations and any other Help Ministries whether Organizations or Individuals