Giving More Than Ten Percent
Giving More Than Ten Percent…
You told your pastor you gave your “ten percent.”
But what kind of life have you really spent?
You put money in the offering plate last Sunday.
What kind of person are you… Come Monday?
Living for Christ is a total way of living…
How much of your time have you been giving?
Do you have a burden for the lost souls of men?
Do you have the power of God living within?
No matter how much of church
you’re “involved.. “
The problem of sin in you will go “unsolved.”
Christ must be your #1 goal and ambition…
He must be your true source of spiritual nutrition.
Jesus must be the focus
of your love and attention…
He’s done more for you than
one could ever mention.
He is the answer to a crazy world
gone “upside down..”
He’ll do more for YOU than
“ the biggest church in town.”
100 percent of your life is what
Christ wants to receive…
If heaven as your home…
Is what you wish to achieve.
Christ is here right now…
No need for an appointment.
Won’t you receive his love and
precious anointment?
He’ll do more than any church
building could every do!
Won’t you allow him to make
your life BRAND NEW?
By Jim Pemberton 11/21/11