Giving of Myself Entirely
Giving of myself entirely
and making others happy
is my greatest wish,
no other passion is greater than this:
intensely feeilng it and sharing it.
Some have thrown stones at me without a solid reason,
and murmured wicked words filled with jealousy and hate,
not knowing that truth was my lighthouse not standing alone...
that one day would have shed light everywhere! My night
wasn't the darkest and my morning was the brightest!
I have seen again those malevolent eyes,
but those evils hearts didn't give me a chance to love them,
and reading their unloving thoughts I avoided them;
are they dead or alive, roaming the dark forest of their soul,
never seeking the warm light of another sunrise?
Giving of myself entirely
is a passion and a devotion;
my happiness echoes with gleeful emotion,
seeing them smile and laugh, shake hands
and congratulate themselves for their good fortunes.
If they thought as I think and loved as I love,
no unkindness would deprive anyone of giving of themselves;
so what's the cause of their malcontent? Hatred, selfishness or pride?
I've come to this shocking conclusion: self-love!
It's the huge cloud blocking our sun and making it really unbright!
I'd rather spend my days by myself than having untrue friends,
friendship should be that iron bar that no heat is ever able to melt;
understanding, forgiving and loving is the strongest allegiance
we could ever wish or dream of...then let your honesty be it!
Let's built tomorrow on trust, not self-gain, and love each other!