Giving Thanks This Thanksgiving Day
During this time known as
Thanksgiving Day.
I hope you'll give thanks and pray.
A prayer of thanks for
everything God has given.
He has blessed us in the way
we've been livin'!
Our country is blessed like no other.
God has supplied our
"bread and butter."
He's given us the freedom,
we've all enjoyed.
Be thankful for your food,
home and being employed.
For those who've endured hardship...
Thank God too!
It's no secret how much
he loves YOU!
We find in the Bible... God clearly said;
"I've never seen the righteous forsaken,
Nor their children begging for bread."
Thanks be to Jesus, for his love,
mercy and grace.
And for making my heart,
"his special place."
I am blessed and thankful
to Jesus indeed.
He's given me salvation and
supplies my every need.
I thank God for this
special day in November.
Thanksgiving is a day...
I will always remember!
By Jim Pemberton