Glass Jars
Have you ever seen your organs on display?
it's quite... mesmerizing
a.... disturbed euphoria if you will
The first item that I gazed upon
was my heart, it's beat
ever flowing in a rapid succession
of strings and multiple palpitations
I smashed the displayed counter
and with my left hand I grabbed my heart
and with my right, a knife....
My heart mocked me
I knew it wanted attention
it wanted lust....
so I took the knife that was in my right hand
and severed the left....
all while my lips kissed the blade...
it licked the blood...
mesmerized by it's crimson hue
my eyes leaped to the floor
and tangoed with my lust filled companions
On the other side I spotted my
intellectual adversary - my brain
I laid down the knife, took the jar
and smashed it against the wall
the shrapnel laid scattered
My brain was contorted...
cut into a million pieces
so I took the knife
and cut off my skin
a million threads to be exact
I took a piece of glass
and poked a hole though my skin....
I took the million pieces of brain
and sew it back together with the million pieces of skin
I grabbed the knife again....
the ears overheard the mouth
pandering to itself that it wanted to be with the heart
I took the knife that was in my right hand
and cut off my lips while my left hand tangoed,
my eyes gazed and my brain pondered
I grabbed my left hand
with my right hand
and with my left hand
held by my right hand
I grabbed my brain
and with my brain
held by my left hand
who itself was held by my right hand
grabbed the lips and plastered it on
to act as the voice of reason
my heart took the shrapnel
and cut itself a mouth....
The two ponder and bickered
quarrel and squabbled
the eyes gazed and the hands tangoed
the heart whispered to the eyes
to tell the hands to grab the brain
The brain whispered to the hands
to tell the eyes to look at the heart
the eyes and hands wanted no part
so they waltz to forget their worries
the brain and the heart
stared and pondered
gazed upon the hands
and eyes, both grab the shrapnel
who ordered the left hand
to grab the heart, who grabbed the brain
The brain stabbed the hands
and the heart stabbed the eyes
both gazed and ponder upon the butchery
they waltz and after the waltz
the brain ordered the left hand
to grab the knife and stab the heart
the brain grabbed the knife from the left hand
and the brain stabbed the brain....