Glimmer of Her Rainbow
Oh that I could
Lift that veil of mystery,
Behind those twinkling eyes
An obscure conundrum,
For when she smiles
All that just floats on
Past my intrigue;
And I'm endeavored
To hold that image in a frame,
Forever caught still
In a permanent light
Immortalize her soul,
Which shines bright
A guiding brilliance,
I want to know what drives her being
Holds her heart together
Makes her rise and set
Like the stars and their sun,
How she makes a moment
Of pure inertia seem fun
All without lifting a finger
As she makes the moments drift,
Seamlessly into one another
I release the shutter,
She can't be contained
Not within these confines
She is a super nova,
I can only hope to grasp
But the glimmer of her rainbow...