Love Poem: Glitter
Victoria Lucas Avatar
Written by: Victoria Lucas


He raises his brows in his quizzical way
    Without words, he asks a question,
And without words, I answer                                                                               

He thinks before he speaks
   Lips twitching in hesitation
Every word is fluid poetry
   And I, a hungry listener

His motives are bona fide
   Sly poems kept from my eyes
A symphony in each stanza
   And I, the unknowing subject

He humors me with sweet words 
   Complimenting me succinctly
Fond and true
    I feel beautiful

He’s enigmatic 
    Walking with a slight swagger
He who hums a quiet tune
    I find it hard not to stare 

His eyes grip mine 
   Shielding thoughts I hope are of me 
What goes on behind them?

                         Perhaps the less I know the better.