Glory and Gold, Or Love and Life
our days are now numbered
as we creep into the years
we are raging into the future
yet we haven't found the wheel to steer
concentrate we must
for this world is cold
prevailing are the ones
that shall stand up so bold
when you die , if your name
is not carved in stone
the only way you shall be remembered
is letters on your headstone
for of the billions of people
in the world of today
only few know
to live one day
as if it is your last
for any day your life
may be taken in a flash
so many people are consumed
with money and power
how truly valuable is that
in our very last hour?
we base all our codes
on possession of gold
yet life is more precious
as one grows old
will you be remembered
for your insatiable greed
or will your name be imortal
by your unprecidented good deeds?
money in this day
is more than addictive
consumed by it you may
turn unexplainably vindictive
base your life not on love
but by wealth and power
yet as the question above clearly states
wealth is nothing
in a mans last hour