I stood on our island looking across the water such bliss softly surrounded me, grasping utopia thought embracing arms holding such beauty, truly amazing Shimmering golden reflections dancing on each and every single ripple Songbirds singing in their gentle tunes, smiling within this mind such an amazing picture shines one portrait shines loves masterpiece joining our heartbeats sang A soul sings little angel's feet tapping, fluttering wings, dancing inside each beat, skipping hops in magic One could feel the gentle warmness of a harvest breeze Warmly touching deeply with soft gentle fingers feelings inside emotions explode enchanting walking away alone such a fond loving memory such images takes my breath away Looking east into the mountains I see a few sheep distant mountains in my vision crumbling out to the great Atlantic, wishing to sail upon the dream dreaming in a rising sun, a pine fragrance floating in the air love if only we were sharing this beautiful scene Just saw a fish jump then plop spiraling out at this very moment in time loving you completely