Gnawing On My Mind
throwing out compulsion,
licking the marrow from the bone,
watching the herd,
looking for the weak,
minutes seem like years,
lasting torment
so wanted,
so welcome.
Teeth gnashing
I tear a hunk of flesh
from the curr I am feasting on.
I smack my lips,
as I gnaw
on the tasty morsel.
Using blood as ink
I scribe senseless thoughts
on the walls and ceiling,
scoring rifts
that tear the fabric of time,
stopping the irksome pain
pouring from this hole
in my chest.
Fingering the edge
I re minis
of the fun it was
getting this,
definitely to be worn
as a medal of honor.
Now that I am
back to normal,
my quill flows freely,
scarring the earth
beneath my heels.
I'll let this hole rot,
gather infection
that i can spread
at my own whim,
locking the world in my grasp,
turning it
a beautiful grey,
cascading across the environment
like a mist.