Go Go Far Away
Go, Go far away towards the sky where you get free
You have the prerogative of your own life
I shall not stop the breeze flowing from my door
Though we might later calculate the price of the tears shed.
Yes, I’m aware of the fragrance of the flowers in my yard, and in your yard
It can’t be confined closing the doors; this earth is decorated with similar fragrances
The flowers are there to be decorated in a tray; and the body with the life are same
It is the deity who receives the flower; there is no worshipping without plucking it
Go, go far away towards the sky where you get free
I shall peep into the rainbow, pausing your love story in me.
My first letter could not become my last letter
The deity gave a fate of a separate end of the life and body
Go, after my first letter, I have given my love letter to you
There is no threat of being lost or forgotten on the way
Because my love letter was a beginning in itself
When you make a mistake of delaying in the beginning
The end too disappears in the horizon
The life is horrific than this beginning and the end
But the returning step is much easier—the death, emancipation!
The veil of the life should be undone in this world of illusion and mirage
Don’t attempt to cry a skyscraper sitting in the yard of a hut
House is just a place to get a nap; hunger is nothing more than a few bites
Life is just a cycle of meeting and separation of life and body
Let your body easily enter the door, and the let the food satisfy your hunger
And if you can get a nap in that hut, that would suffice for my life
I give you that wrecks of feeling which is not past but is a beginning
And that beginning will teach the life to smile every while
So, go far away towards the sky where you get free
And feel the freedom
The future moments of life shall be a moment
Where I shall pray God for the liberation through death
Go, go far away towards the ocean of annihilation
I give this body to the river so that the soul can finally
Meet you in the ocean.