God a Man
When God came to be man
Silent was the heavens
upon this proclamation
Trembling the state of earth, humankind’s dwelling
yet on earth came he to be a man
When God came to be man
He dreamt of the man he would be
Not flying from the sky above
nor appearing from the earth beneath
but in a humble state he came unlike a God
When God came to be man
A virgin’s womb He chose for an abode
then served she the first tabernacle
A stable for a house
For a bed a manger
Thus a God lying in a manger
When God came to be man
A man was God and God a man
‘tis this gift He gives to humankind
So through him humankind
became like God
When God came to be man
A mission not of jollification but of reparation He served
A thorn he wore for a crown
A life giveth He away for our sins
‘tis this way redeemed we came to be by God