Love Poem: God and the Orphan
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Written by: Donetta Harless

God and the Orphan

A child all alone in the world tonight
Sad and filled with much fright 
Nowhere for his little head to lay
To get through the night is what he prays

Losing those he loved so dear
Searching for hope far and near
Looking into the eyes of many
Praying to find, just one friendly

How he hates being alone
If only a family to call his own
To be granted his prayer from above
To be surrounded with much love

Weary and hungry with nothing to eat
No shoes to warm upon his feet
In the distance, a building with a steeple
Maybe inside, some caring people

Opening the door, to take a peek 
Then suddenly, the sound of a creak
Catching the attention of only a few
He took a step back, wondering what to do

As he stands before them, all tattered and torn
His humbled appearance, weary and worn
With his head bowed, looking toward the floor
He ever so gently lets go of the door

A couple ran with their arms to embrace
They could see the sadness upon his face
His lips quivered, he began to shake
Inside he had endured much heartache

Momma and daddy left, sometime ago
In this world, I am all alone
If only I had someone to care
Someone to love me, my love to share

This child unaware in his search
God guided him to this little church
A man and woman had prayed and prayed
A child of their own, God to make a way

Though much sadness fills our land
When trusting in God's guiding hand
Miracles happen every day
When before our Lord, we kneel and pray

Needless to say, this is a happy ending
Yet not all turn to God in prayer depending
When things seem bad, and God seems far away
Ask yourself, did you take time to pray

Many children alone tonight
Needing the help of God's guiding light
Circumstances can change day by day
Miracles happen when we pray

A momma and daddy, he had received
Just as he asked, on bended knees
A little boy to call their son
A miracle sent from Heaven above

Written by: Donetta Harless
                    Wednesday, August 10, 2016