God and the Worm of Part One
Flying high in this world drawn by different flame
keep flying in wings singed falling to the ground
like a spiraling moth I woke done the same
I didn’t know then that false light was made to maim
separating friends loved ones and death it is bound
without good vision burning over and over again
a day came great light all around softly calling my name
dark lights are always wrong stubborn can not be made white
truth admits I am wrong Jesus you are always right
help I but a worm needing a change your true light
talking with God he said you need a new body with wings of love
how you may say I came to this dark world too from far above
I created the lights in the beginning before there was sin
I laid down my life to take back what was rightfully mine
a thief stole my relationship with thee for I know no sin
sin was found in him for has many lying names father of lies
death by deception unlawfully he came to Eve
tempting her confusing with my words the chief of pride
she ate so did Adam likewise now acquainted with grief
I always good my love has not changed I know no sin they died
I who knows no sin born into this world even like thee
dieing upon a tree I arose to bear you again to set you free
born again you say how my Lord pick up your cross follow me
I see mountainous flower climb it Lord it looks so far away so high
I a worm need right hands to carry Lord help thou me go I’ am with thee along the way I see a seed I hunger can I eat this
look closely my child for many seeds on this path
saw some atop big freshly fallen looking new
some loosely covered another deeply buried
black bird swoops he will take them all away
he grabbed one back towards the blue flying high