God Brought a Healing To My Troubled Mind
God Brought A Healing To My Troubled Mind…
I used to allow many thoughts to enter my mind.
There were good and bad ones...
Just about every kind.
My family thought I was being a “good Christian.”
I never did anything that raised “a suspicion.”
I went to church every week and did the “Sunday thing.”
I had no idea the kind of life my thoughts would bring.
I felt much “turmoil” of what was in my head.
“How much longer can I take this?”
Were the words I said.
As there were many bad thoughts
that seemed to “burn.”
Those around me didn’t know or were concerned.
I needed some help. And I needed it fast!
I didn’t know how much longer I would last!
With no friend to help.., I decided to pray.
This was my time with God! This was my day!
I cried out to God with a voice of confession;
“Dear Jesus rule over my mind and take possession!”
As I read God’s word... Philippians 4:8 was found.
Virtue and wholeness in my life needed to abound!
I asked and begged God to help me to obey it!
I gave my commitment to him. And not just “say it.”
A love for him as a friend was found and did bring.
His peace and love
“washed away” the evil things.
Christ restored my life and my mind was renewed.
He set me free! Now, I’m BRAND NEW!
Won’t you allow God to bring his love to your soul?
With him in your life...
All darkness will GO!
By Jim Pemberton