God Can Bring Healing To Your Marriage
UNSUPPORTED CODE God Can Heal Your Marriage!
How often have you told your
wife you love her?
Only to be caught in the arms of “another…”
The vows that were made...
The promises given.
God gives a chance for you
to be forgiven!
A husband and wife are sanctioned
by our Lord…
But often end up in anger,
bitterness and discord.
Jesus can mend the hurt and remove the pain.
And bring a healing to
any guilt or shame.
He loves you with a Godly
jealousy that is evident.
Into your heart and life…
He longs to be a resident.
Won’t you allow his power
to bring a restoration?
Before your family is heading
toward a separation?
Let his words of hope and
love be the glue.
And bring a new meaning to the words;
May you be “caught up” in your
heavenly father’s embrace.
And allow his love
to put a smile on your face!
What God has joined as one.
He can keep together.
Won’t you allow him to bless
your marriage forever?
By Jim Pemberton