God Commands Us To Love One Another
God Commands Us To “Love One Another!”
In the body of Christ…
One of Satan’s “clever tricks.”
Is to “choose” another to form
their own “cliques.”
People “choosing” who they believe
is their sister or brother…
Neglecting the great command…
“Love one another!”
A stranger whom comes to church…
Has a hard time to find…
Someone who’ll give him just some of their time!
This person could be really in need
and possibly poor.
But after the service… He “hurries”
out the exit door…
Have we forgotten what being Christ’ child is?
We need to be HIS example in the way we live!
Maybe it’s time that the body of Christ
break out of it’s “shell.”
And really be concerned about those
on their way to hell!
If it’s people just like you whom
you seem to be “choosing.”
It’s you that will fall short of…
God’s love and are losing!
It’s time that the body of Christ
love everyone the same…
Remembering that it was for every
person our savior came!
By Jim Pemberton