God Gave Me a Talent I Didn'T Use It
God Gave Me A Talent… I Didn’t Use It!
God gave me a talent, but I chose to refuse it.
I had it… But didn’t want to use it!
God also gave me the ability to use what was given.
But it just “didn’t fit in” with my style of livin’!
The talent he gave, he wanted for me to share...
Although I went to church… I just didn’t care!
I was like someone who “buried the talent in the ground.”
When God came looking… I was nowhere to be found.
I was embarrassed of what he gave and ashamed.
I didn’t want to talk about Jesus,
or mention his name…
I wanted to be careful of who was my friend.
If I were to use God’s talent, I may easily “offend.”
We all have talents. God’s given them to each one.
He’s given to us his spirit and Christ Jesus his son!
All that we need to accomplish his purpose and goal…
He wants to use us! He loves us more than we know!
Will you “bury” the talents that God’s given to you?
Or will you just “turn your back” like others do?
He has a divine will for us all. A purpose and plan!
He waits for you… With an outstretched hand!
Won’t you allow him to use you HIS way?
Please do it now! Listen to what HE has to say!
HIS blessings in your life is for you to receive!
Reach out to him now! Trust and believe.!
By Jim Pemberton