Love Poem: God Is With Us
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Written by: Star Light

God Is With Us

God is with us 
                                     Wherever we may go 
                                      He'll take care of us 
                                        This we do know 
                                         For He loves us
                                         This we believe 
                                        He'll take care of 
                                           You and me!

This poem God has Blessed me with
has made us realize there is no reason to fear. 
These words speak truth 
because God is with us always. 
To those whomsoever believes and asks 
Jesus Christ come in to their hearts
and ask for forgiveness of their sins. 
Those whomsoever believes 
that God raised Jesus from the dead shall be saved. 
Those whomsoever believes in God's Word, 
Holy Bible, will receive all His promises, 
for it is written in the divine Word of God. 
God bless! You're beloved in Christ.