God Make's a Way
Come.... Receive His Love
On each day... God makes a Way
With each Step---guiding our path
Through this Valley of Life
Married once before in the past
Gone away---Like the wind
Fast Life's times Flew
Leaving with---Blessings of Children
Starting over with new
Hardly happens... only to a few
Then one day out of the blew
Life took a turn... different course
Statement Read... Divorce
Knowing.. moment---moment
Life Must go on..
Come to Jesus
God makes a Way
With Him--can be Strong
With Jesus... Forever belonging--knowing
ONE---Who's Always True
ONE---Who Never Leaves You
Come to Christ.. Receive His Undying Love
For He Will Never Leave You.. Nor Forsake You
For He Will Always Love You..
With God All Things are Possible
To those whom believe...
~Jesus Love You..
Jesus Loves You..
and Yes.. Jesus Love Me..
For the.. Bible... tells me.. SOooo...
Love always Your Sister in Christ..