God Reached Down and Touched Me
God Reached Down And Touched Me…
God wanted to show how
much he loves me.
He reached down from heaven
and touched me!
He wanted to express love
in his words spoken.
I realized that my life
is more than a “token…”
He spoke to me of how precious
and valuable I am.
He was there for me with
an outstretched hand!
For all of the times…
I’ve felt tired and “defeated…”
With his love in my life,
I am now “completed!”
God came down to where I am today...
Through his son Jesus…
He has made a way!
A brand new way of living
and joy divine…
He’s brought to me healing
and a peace of mind!
This same God speaks these
words to YOU!
Whatever you’re facing...
He will see you through!
He wants you to know…
He will always be your friend!
He brings peace and true fulfillment within!
He is God! He is powerful
and his majesty reigns!
Won’t you take some time…
And call on his name?
By Jim Pemberton 12/19/11