God Really Does Love You
God Really Does LOVE You!
Have you thought about how valuable you are?
You’re more precious than the brightest star.
You were wonderfully made and designed.
God created you with his purpose in mind.
It was he who formed you
in your mother’s womb.
And knew you would grow
to an adult soon!
He orchestrated things to be put into place.
And offers to all his eternal mercy and grace.
He has set eternity into the hearts of men.
And sent his son Jesus to atone for all sin!
He knows each time your heart begins to beat.
And knows what can make
your life complete!
Won’t you give him the chance he made for you?
By his grace… Your life can be made brand new!
God loves you and cares for your well being!
He is the Lord God! And supplies everything!
This opportunity can be yours this very day!
Where there’s a will… God made a way!
A way to life eternal can be
yours this moment.
By accepting his grace,
and Christ’ atonement!
By Jim Pemberton 01/13/15