God Saving a Sinner
Not long ago I had no care
no concern about my soul,
I thought that I would make my peace whenever I grew old.
How foolish of me to think that I could live my life in sin,
that I could turn my life around and accept him at the end.
There was a time when spiritual things were no more than a fairy tale,
If you were good you went to heaven and bad you went to hell.
Raised up on lies throughout my youth,
I thank and praise him for his truth.
Listen carefully to this next sentence,
"I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."
Lord I thank you always day and night,
you showed me I'm wrong and you are right.
Everything I thought, felt, and said,
I was nothing more than walking dead.
You gave me life and let me see,
Through your word what you saw when looking at me.
One day as I sat reading your word,
for the first time ever,
truly I heard,
everything that I love and cherish,
I would have to give up or surly perish.
Oh what a fight,
from the very start,
You see I was cursed with a covetous heart.
How can I Lord I've worked so long,
to get these things that I now own.
These material things will burn that you love,
for the earth is mine and the fullness thereof.
All souls are mine,
nothing you truly own,
through my gracious love it is merely a loan.
How can he expect you to forsake all that you cherish?
I give you my word,
you will surly not perish.
He'll take all that you have,
and when he is done,
you'll be left with no pleasure,
no good times,
no fun.
If he's a God of love,
as in his word he does tell,
how can he love you,
and send you to hell?
No evil one,
I know that he's right,
though you sit next to him in power,
you're a midget in his sight.
One day he called my name,
all I did forsake.
Come my child take up my cross,
a look is all it takes.
"Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none other."
I looked one day,
and was left in awe.
Listen prayerfully to what I saw.
Behold his bruised and broken body,
blood dripping from his face.
How could we kill the Lord of Glory?
Wicked human race.
yes I,
most guilty of all,
of this make no mistake.
My evil,
lust filled,
sinful heart,
drove in each deadly stake.
As I gazed upon my blessed Lord,
hanging from that tree.
I knew without a doubt,
that hell was to good for me.
Not so my child,
he said not once but twice.
No hell will ever touch your soul,
for I have paid the price.