God Saw a Prize
My world a chasm of utter darkness
Dreariness enveloped me like a cloud
Bound by chains in an abandoned fortress
Tormented body - a field freshly plowed
Accomplishments ignored; voice never heard
Wondered why on earth was I even born
Treated like clipped wings of a fallen bird
Ripped to shreds, I could no longer be torn
Unsettling to be taunted by others
When all you do is exemplify love
Why is it so hard to love one another
As commanded by the Savior above
I tried so hard to find favor in their sight
All efforts were unfavorably received
I began to pray and was bathed in light
Chains started falling, my sentence reprieved
God looks at me and sees a worthy prize
The Lord loves all of his children the same
I’m no longer concerned about man’s eyes
Ill-conceived judgments nor secular names
The name of the Lord is a strong tower
His mighty name is worthy to be praised
I thank him for his redemptive power
For being my light on the darkest of days
In times of despair God spoke from above
Through His Word, He counseled and He advised
Keep His commandments - Keep walking in love
I am His, I am loved, and I am a prize!