God's Answer To Man's Confusion
God’s wrath is revealed against all ungodliness…
Neither will he put up with man’s unrighteousness
His truth has already been given unto all men…
And his love has been shown unto them.
The invisible things of God, from
creation, have been seen…
Being understood by men. From HIM…
who’s made everything.
Many haven’t glorified him or
thanked him for his creation....
And many have become foolish in their vain imaginations!
Professing themselves to be wise,
many have become “fools.”
By not obeying God. But living by “their set of rules.”
Changing God’s glory to that of corruptible man.
Many have brought a great darkness throughout our land.
God has given them to uncleanness
that abounds in their hearts...
While many have burned in their own lust.
Right from the start.
Worshiping the creature(not creator).
Has given a new direction…
And has caused in many hearts.
A deep “spiritual infection.”
Women and men leaving their God given
affection in lust of each other.
Have changed God’s true design and
purpose of one another.
As God has given so many over to a reprobate mind…
Many continue in shameful acts of just about every kind.
Without an acknowledgment
for God in each of our lives...
We’ll continue down a “deep spiral” filled with so many lies.
God is our only hope. His gift of eternal life is freely given.
Why not let him be the God of the way your livin’?
By Jim Pemberton 05/28/10
(Read Romans 1:18-32)