Love Poem: God's Coming Judgement
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

God's Coming Judgement

Our nation shall soon be
 judged for it's sin.
As we've turned our back 
on God once again.

This country has turned 
it's back on his grace.
As we've "smitten" and "spit in his face."

The moral fabric has been
 torn in this nation.
Anything of God is ruled;  "separation!:

We've "shaken our fist" 
at God one last time.
Doing the most ungodly
 acts of every kind.

With many believing in their
 earthly "treasure."
Indulging in just about anything
 that gives "pleasure."

God's wrath on this country
 is soon coming.
As a wicked and perverse 
nation we're becoming!

When his judgement comes... 
Make no mistake~
It's coming is so very near.  
The hour's growing late!

Holding fast to Christ
 is where we belong.
When everything's shaken. 
 HE remains strong!

Jesus is our only hope 
for all men to see.
It's only in him that we
 can truly be FREE!

Judgement is near.... 
with no postponement.
Be ready!  It could happen 
at any moment!!!

By Jim Pemberton   