God's Divine Hands
My Daddy..
was driving home one night
In his pickup Truck
When all of sudden..
he went to change lanes
An Eighteen Wheeler
Slammed right into him
My Daddy's Truck
was smashed
Crushed... nothing left
Just smashed... metal against metal
Rescuer's came onto the seen
Ambulance came too
But they couldn't figure out
What happened
For my Daddy was nowhere about
Then there he was...
Standing on the side of the street
God pulled him out of the accident
Saved him Complete!
For my Daddy...
didn't even have a scratch
Not even a bruise
Pictures were taken
What was left of his Truck
People thought he had died
But he did not...
For even pictures
Showing of his tool caddy box
All was smashed
No bigger than an inch
But even to this day
I know.. as other's do too
God made a way
He had His Divine Hands
On my daddy that day...
For the man in the eighteen wheeler
Was Shocked and amazed
When he saw..
My daddy walk away
Praise God be...
For saving my Daddy...
Come to Jesus~God protects
God has His Divine Hands on You too
Just ask Him.. for Divine Protection
Wherever you go..
For He Loves you too