God's God's Only Love
God's God's only Love,
Be it separate, integral,
More than idea
Can Holiness be who He is?
Or perhaps who God wants to be?
Dream somehow bigger than He is?
As only my purpose
Has chance to outlive me,
If God does exist perhaps His
"Purpose" outlives Him too?
For divinity (seems to me)
Lives just in thinking,
Has gossamer aspect,
Like music, divinity floats in the air,
Its perfection approachable,
Yields what’s most sacred to life!
As creation dreams,
Souls bond to God’s soul.
Oh, let me chose Love
As my purpose (like God has)
And breathe in His essence
Like others before me,
I’m walking “God's image,”
A child of the father:
It’s His light around me,
My pathway’s His doing.
Brian Johnston
May 7, 2017
Poet's Notes:
As I approach maturity in my own Christian faith (embracing, not fearing my
own doubts) I find myself wondering too if even God has His limits and is a
work in progress. I reflect too on the the Bibles assertion that we are all
created in God's image. Recent poems have found me wondering if God too
experiences loneliness for example. While not a traditional reading of scripture
that insists His perfection is complete, I have no fear at all that God is
offended by my questions even if there is no perfection beyond perfection.
Science has taught us for example that there are different sizes of infinity, and
some are infinitely bigger than others. :-) I consider this food for thought!
Might not man's poetry for example point God in new directions? Ha!