God's Grace Is Greater Than Our Sin
God’s Grace Is Greater Than Our Sin!
The corruption of man brings sin and disgrace.
It’s a mockery of God’s mercy and grace.
The sin of man begins with a wicked heart.
It’s been here on earth, from the very start.
Since the start, when God created mankind.
He set in place in motion, at just the right time.
He provided a way out, of man’s sinful past.
A way to heaven that would eternally last.
He sent his son Jesus who bled and died.
Upon the cross that day, he was crucified.
He endured a lot of mockery and shame.
The sins of mankind were laid on his name.
Won’t you accept what Jesus has given?
The chance to be free
and totally forgiven?
God’s salvation is free and will
forever change you!
He’s done all of this,
because he loves you!
Today can be the day to accept God’s love.
You can be a new person, touched from above!
God’s grace for our sin,
is a wonderful trade!
Anything you’ll ever need,
has already BEEN PAID!
By Jim Pemberton 07/02/16