God's Love - Simply Divine
How do you start to describe God's love?
a love that no human can ever produce
it has to be experienced to be known
no amount of good works will be of use
This love shows God as a heavenly father
who always does well for His own
their best interests are His prerogative
blessing upon blessing come from God alone
God has proved faithful and true
sticking close to me all life through
no matter falling so often in sin
He picks me up afresh forever anew
Being widowed in mid20s unconverted
that night of loss Christ came alongside
drew me to Himself full of Jesus
gifted with His righteousness forever to abide
God the great matchmaker truly at work
nearly nine years later met my new wife
Christine came my new love in God's providence
my chickenpox drew us as one for a new life
The Lord gave me a love for Him
desiring more of His word to constantly feed
helping me to learn and read pure rhyme
through God's spirit spreading His seed
The Lord every day leads me in His word
giving contentment, hope, strength and grace
such is the love of God truly divine
looking to the day I see His face