God's Love Endures Forever
God’s Love Endures Forever!
God’s awesome love and beauty
endures forever!
His is always faithful!
And will leave us never !
He is wonderful! And his mighty deeds performed!
Through his son Jesus, a life can be transformed!
He’s majestic! All nations shall bow before him!
This can be the opportunity to really know him!
He’s provided a way for our peace and salvation.
Through his son Jesus,
one can be a new creation!
Old things can be passed away. All can be NEW!
The God of creation patiently waits for YOU!
The decision is yours! And yours alone!
Will you decide to make heaven your home?
An eternity with God is an opportunity that waits.
Through his son Jesus,
you can enter HIS gates!
The window of opportunity is
available and open.
Won’t you listen to the words
that have been spoken?
“Whosoever will, come and drink
of the water he’s given…”
Won’t you drink? And know the joy
of being forgiven?
By Jim Pemberton 12/21/14