God's Love Is the Glue For Relationships
God’s Love Is the Glue for Relationships!
I often hear of broken relationships.
Harsh actions taken
and broken friendships…
Even in many of the Christian homes…
There’s things being acted out,
in the “danger zones.”
Families are often being ripped apart…
A broken relationship… A broken heart…
Read what’s said in 1 Cor. Chapter 13 …
Do people read this scripture?
Does it mean anything???
Perhaps if people would
put their anger aside…
And ask the Lord to remove
all hostility and pride.
This could be the start of
a brand new beginning.
With God on your side…
You’re sure to be winning!
Everything in our lives, God understands!
Let’s come together.. In prayer… Hand in hand!
Let’s stop thinking whom to blame.
And walk in the love and forgiveness
of Jesus’ name!
We’re all equal before God. Our sins are many.
Those seeking God’s forgiveness… Are there any?
It’s Christ’ desire… Before this day is out…
To find what his way of living is all about!
Only his love can bind all
of our hearts together…
And be the “glue” that will
bind our lives forever!
By Jim Pemberton 09/01/15