Radiating triumphant hope
Midst mercy, peace and joy to cope
Propelling heart for grateful height…
Such is God’s love* of blest delight.
Moving hearts toward service glow
Sharing goodness midst supply-flow
With trust that kindles kindness’ flight…
Such is God’s love of blest delight.
Upholding compassionate stand
Willing to lend a helping hand
Along sweet warmth of caring might…
Such is God’s love of blest delight.
Bonding brethren for fellowship
Reunions kindling partnership
Toward revival prayer plight…
Such is God’s love of blest delight.
Enjoying contentment with grace
In reaching-out, propped by faith’s brace
We thank the Lord for wisdom-light…
Such is God’s love of blest delight.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 of King James Bible
November 24, 2023
2nd place, "LOVE JONES" Poetry Writing Premiere Contest
Sponsored by Karen Jones; judged on 12/3/2023