God's Love Removes All Fear
God’s Love Removes All Fear!
Are there things worth worrying and fretting about?
Are there things in life that you could do without?
Think about the wonderful God who created us.
And how much he’s done, because he loves us!
He clothed the animals and birds of the air.
And has provided his love and tender care!
He created mankind and gave them dominion.
And provides all a chance to enter his kingdom!
His son provides a refuge and merciful salvation.
In him, anyone can be a BRAND NEW creation!
After thinking about these things and more…
What in the world, are you worrying for?
Think for a moment, how much God loves you!
And how much he really wants to do for you!
Anything you need, or wish to one day obtain.
You can find all you’ll ever need, in Jesus’ name!
He provides eternal security to build a life on.
And is always a friend you can depend on!
He gives a perfect love that drives away all fear!
And brings a peace that’s eternal and secure!
Won’t you give him a chance in your life today?
Where there’s fear... His love will make a way!
By Jim Pemberton 09/17/14 Read John 4:18