Love Poem: God's Plan - Ifl
Regina Mcintosh Avatar
Written by: Regina Mcintosh

God's Plan - Ifl

Beautiful glimpsed magnificent
Stunning realized there was exquisite
Spectacular perceived astonishing

When my heart first felt
The dazzling, the starlight, the breathless
Whisper of his embrace, his trembling
Truth caressing my nature, 
Stirring my hopes, my dreams
With feelings more explosive, passionate
Than mere affection generates…

When my spirit spun through the laughter,
The anticipation of his touch 
The promise of his kiss,
The eagerness that built inside
Because he was alive, like the smiles
Softly describing the wonder,
The way I felt – in the silence
So piercing - Louder than thunder

I felt like – God’s plan had fallen into place

I Felt Like Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Charles Messina 
February 5, 2023