God's Plan For Marriage
God’s Plan for Marriage…
There’s a truth that remains since
the beginning of time.
God created man and woman.
And had one thing in mind.
From the dust of the ground,
Adam was formed.
From his side came Eve. A new life was “born!”
God’s design for marriage became
very evident and clear…
If not for Adam and Eve,
none of us would be here!
Marriage is a blessing from God.
A gift from God above.
A man and a woman come together
as an expression of their love.
Anything different than one man
and woman is perverted.
This is a lie from our culture that
is trying to be “inserted.”
God gave us all a natural love
with a strong ambition.
To come as a husband and wife
is a God given intention!
Read from the books of Genesis
thru Revelation…
God’s idea of marriage is
for any person or nation.
Many can try to change what God
has already designed.
It’s no wonder why so many have
“confused” minds.
Let’s come back to God and
trust him with our life!
The one who set up marriage as;
“one husband and one wife!”
By Jim Pemberton