Love Poem: God's Whisper of Love
Gordon Mcconnell Avatar
Written by: Gordon Mcconnell

God's Whisper of Love

Does God really know your name?
 when you think of all that's been
 all the people that have lived
 everyone God's eyes has seen

 The authorative divine word
 comes from God alone
 what He says is always true
 for His word is cast in stone

 The third person of the trinity
 comes whispering to our souls
 with His still small voice
 whispers move on achieve your goals

 This God knows all our hairs
 their number He has set
 His knowledge is boundless
 giving us no need to fret

 Yes God does know our names
 even each letter spelling us out
 everything about us is His origin
 this evidence leaves us with no doubt

 God loves us this is sure
 He whispers I am your cure
