Going Back In Time
As Cupid search hearts between spaces,
Ardently compelling hearts to be fonder,
Like forces attract and unlike ones reject.
Unlike ones sometimes regretfully cry out:
Alas, “Our chemistries don’t quite match”!
So on goes Cupid, next victim in mind.
Backwards he draws that huge Bow of his,
Pointing a straight Arrow never to miss,
The tender spot with an amorous shot.
One lover’s heart stirs as the Bow quivers,
The other experiencing chilly shivers;
Feelings mounting, thoughts embracing.
They walk through the garden sided by over-hanging
Trees, with shades and shadows blending
In the cool and luxurious breeze.
Thinking of each other among green blades of grass,
There reminiscing on passed moments they shared;
Smiling and tenderly looking at both moon and stars.
Now Cupid, patiently waiting drew back the Bow
Silently striking both hearts, a single shot,
Causing an outpour of love with passion divine