Goldenrule Dream Circles
I was one of ten invited
to play an ego-enrichment game,
to experience economies of mutual democratic trust
contrasted with Win/Lose politics
of privileged narcissistic lust.
I reasonably ask,
when each of these ten invited ego-systems
could be home in front of our wood stoves,
slurping our chicken noodle soup
with lightly buttered whole-wheat toast.
Not that I was hungry.
But, board-less monopoly games
are not my polypathically curious preference
for growing healthing trust
v pathological hate and hoarding over-investment crimes
against compassionate nature.
"Universal trust,"
begins our god-like game facilitator,
"is usually only available in the eyes of an infant,
or a buddha,
or some everyday unlimited lover,"
or an unusually healthy and good-humored co-facilitator.
"This game is designed to facilitate unmitigated trust
with each person here"
and each ego not yet here
within our global
polypathic health-system;
This cooperating game intends to practice
a classic Win/Win Golden Rule."
Our Game Rules
stipulate each EgoPlayer
"will receive four thousand dollars to begin
and may invest some or all
into a central communion pot,
or pass."
"After everyone has had an opportunity to co-invest,
I will act as banker,
count your collectively invested cash,
double it from our communal treasury,
here at my open right hand,
and evenly re-distribute the now-subsidized communal pot."
Then, again,
each ego-player may re-invest all
or some
or none
into our eco-systemic Commons.
Experienced WinEgo/WinEcoSystemic Players,
all ten of us re-invested all four-thousand dollars
back into our mutual eco-pot.
Our divinely generous banker, in turn,
gave each of us eight-thousand dollars,
and so on
until our Heavenly Treasury went bust,
while each Ego had $128,000 in highly liquid assets
and yet felt forced to pass
against all further non-remunerated
repetitious uniform and ritualistic play.
imagine we ten are active Catholics
and the Banker is of a priestly caste
distributing communion wafers,
one each Sunday
to each co-investing player.
And, each EgoPlayer may choose to reinvest part
or all
or none
of this cooperatively co-invested Grace received
from past weekly iterations.
Experienced unitarian WinWin players,
all ten of us religiously follow Golden Communion Ethics,
reinvest all co-passioned Grace received
so ecosystemic Wealth
will multi-laterally tenfold double.
Until Earth's natural/spiritual Grace bank implodes,
maxed out of re-seasonal nutrition cycles,
yet organically slow-growing emergent deeper resilient
and wider resonant games
in ecosystemic gardens
among properly co-passionate gardener circles,
Networks of Golden EgoPassioned Players
banking on our longest-term resilient nurturing Grace
as climate pace of just-right resonant
mutually nourishing rounds of well-seasoned Time.
In which yangish MotherEarth facilitates Grace disbursements
and each YinEgo cooperative Win/Win acclimated player
co-facilitates our ecopolitical game
to climax co-empowerment,
communion pot-restoring enlightenment
rather than wasting any valued communal Grace
on punishing sub-optimizing weaknesses
of narcissistic free-loaders,
sheep straying from our GoldenRule
WinWin GameCircle of co-investing passions.