Good Lady
My good lady means the world to me
Making the world full of glee
When I'm down she let's me know
That I am too strong and not to let go
Sometimes it's hard to let feelings out
Especially when I don't want to shout
I was in that place before we met
I'm not going back, thats a guaranteed bet
She understands what makes me flow
Love kindness is the way to go
Now this is why we are a good team
We can't be broken we are stiched like a seam
Stiched together close and tight
Never wanting to have a fight
Cuddles and kisses are the best thing
Me and the Mrs ding a ling ling
To have someone their
With flowing blonde hair
A smile and a friendly face
Stupid if I leave this place
So my bird I write this ditty
I know you love me being witty
And thankyou for being with me
Finally making me HAPPY