Good Morning, Good Night
Good morning future.
Good morning past.
Good morning today:
Could you make me laugh?
a sincere laugh
it's been too long
or even a cry
I've been too strong
it's hard to admit
how easy it is to confess
when shame introduced herself
she wore the sexiest dress
Hello tree branches.
Hello sky.
I'm waiting for you cardinals
to catch my eye.
you can remind me of
my dear ma and pa
they admire you so much
they had their cat declawed
and I'd declaw myself
if I'd be forgiven
if I could bury my shame
I'd still be diggin'
I'm thankful for this
house someone built.
Thanks to all the cows
who provide me milk.
when I was a child
I wanted a calf
when we drove by a farm
it'd make my mother laugh
and now the shame's marinated
cooked in seasoning
it's not a convictable crime
so how's that for reasoning
Good night angels.
Good night ghosts.
Good night late night
talk show hosts.
I'm off to dream
so wish me luck
against those wicked nightmares
that wake me up
cuz if Annette arrives
I'll be sad as hell
like an empty-handed boy
at show and tell
Good night the thoughts
written on this page;
you're the evidence
there was a today.
and tomorrow's a treasure
I'll try to find
I'll keep to myself
but I'll be real kind
and if the world can forgive me
for being scared and weak
maybe I'll be less afraid tomorrow
to go to sleep
Good night Annette;
I still love you.
I'm sorry I'm not strong enough
to ask how you do.
but it hurts too much
and the consequences are ruthless
I'd endure the torment
if it wasn't fruitless
and I'm sorry Sally
I should just think of you
after all I'm tryin'
to love you too
Good night stars.
Good night moon.
All my wishes
will be leaving you soon.
They'll come back to Earth
like an aeroplane
filled with passengers
running away from pain
that they couldn't accept
that they couldn't defeat
a plane filled with people
just like me