That he made me an ordinary unknown identity
Neither mystical nor unique
As one amongst the ordinary lot
Aware that most of the guests attending the posh do
Raise their chins and reluctantly say hello to me
In the split second, drops the chin and whisks away
Believe me, I neither blush nor feel hurt
Because I am, what I am
Not a dish prepared on special order
Some may even call it the leftover
But for the long-standing unfulfilled desires
Between you and me over the invisible hot wires
To honor the dignity of the sacred love
Keep always an honorable distance
Just look at me with your sparkling eyes
Silently conveying without opening the lips
Solemnly and silently, just shrug your shoulders
A pure simple graceful gesture
Yet most of the time tearful
Fair thy well… Goodbye Goodbye
07 January 2023
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 24