You walk away within a moonlighted sky
Not many shadows passing by
A turning glance
To wave goodbye
That was the last of the memories
With a lingering kiss upon your palm
Sending it my way
As you get ready to depart
Sadness fills me as you leave
I know I will see you again
Not wanting to watch the news
Just in case …
You never know when something will happen
No newspapers delivered to the door
Just in case you never know
Denial all the way
Phone calls from strangers just as bad
Fearing the worst
Hide and delete
Just in case it bears bad news
Door bells and knocks
From behind hidden blinds
I don’t know you
I don’t want to respond
Eighteen months without human contact
Thinking others wont know
The turmoil and sleepless nights
Wondering and waiting
Until I know the call is from you
Short-lived and awkward
Just glad to hear your voice
Tears down my face
Uncontrollable happiness
Weakness in my knees
Never before so knocked over
Just with the tilt of your voice
Pretending you just next to me
Holding me close, Cradling my fears
Until my eyes grow weary
And I snuggle deeply into sleep
Goodnight my love I hear you say
Keep my memory, always
Talk of me often
Tell them I will always love
Goodbye my dearest
My last words to you
How I wish this was not true
See you soon , always yours