Our paths did cross and that journey we took
The scenic route along the whispering brook
We stopped to smell the roses bloom
And see the birds with colored plumes
Life hast not spoken a life so serene
To compare with this journey so it may seem
But to every beginning there comes an end
So I must say goodbye to you my friend
We gelled, we chilled, we’d hang out a lot
Remember when I’d play with your spot
But alas my friend these things must stop
For seasons change, that I can not stop
I can not say that I will see you later
Nor would it be right to hang around for a while
So… see you later alligator
You reply after a while crocodile
It’s best we part on amicable ways
Then to progress for more disappointing days
A new path such a delectable thought
To go back down the path a reason I have not
So I take my charge and I carry my satchel
With good tidings to the next castle
Bringing with me a cheerful smile
An open mind, and a heart without guile
We have come to this fork in the road
And the path I choose you can not go
Ask for guidance and for Him to order your steps
Calling to Him is your best bet
So with that said, I tilt my hat to you madam
I wish you all the good days I can fathom
To every dark cloud there is a silver lining
So wipe your tears my child and start climbing
You shall come to find what’s right for you
The feelings of blue will be gone from you
As we part and go our separate paths
We didn’t work out but our friendship can last