Love Poem: Goodbye Darling Peter Pan
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Written by: CayCay Jennings

Goodbye Darling Peter Pan

Dearest Child-Adventuring Man, My Darling Peter Pan:

Since that never to be forgotten day when Wendy first brought you my way, my heart has been enchanted thru and true with love for you.  You are as magical as your happy-thought dust that brought me flight thru star-glimmer skies, shimmering great joy from my soul-core straight to my eyes.  With you, I have felt amazing fantasy as enthralling reality because of the wonder that is you and your purview.

I love Neverland, Tinker Bell, the boys and the countless joys that made 
up the minutes of each day we shared. Though nothing in my future will 
ever compare, I can no longer deny that I am compelled to step into adulthood, that such is what I should do, what I am meant to do, and must do without you. In your world, I will always be your girl, but in the traditional world, I must let my woman unfurl. What is calling me onward and forward is all that you would never walk toward and risk dying adult-bored.
Turn any woe into a splendid crow of much ado, repeat until woe has winded you, then smile to know - 
                      I shall always gratefully and lovingly remember you …. 

[I have loved  Peter Pan since age four and still wish I could Peter Pan the sky].   

... CayCay

... Natasha Scagg
A Conversation with Peter Pan