Goodbye Forever
…Said the Mind to the Heart, we do not work together to run this place all we do is argue and fight. This place use to run so simple and sweet then you came out your cage to take a peak.
“I know this is true”, you’d plea to the rest of us Body and Soul, like fools we did listen as you said we’d be whole. Against all reason yes you won that debate that we ventured on out and yes it was great!!!
We have not ever since the birth of our seed been as happy as this to see you beat so hard and so strong. As you reached out and grew stronger forged within what seemed an everlasting flame. We took that happiness and strength that it gave and made that Leap of Faith as they say.
Now what happened then, oh strong Heart of mine, you were so filled with joy that it made us blind. You caused us to believe that Love conquers all that we didn’t see the rocks coming out of the falls.
We hit and kept falling all bloody and beat but you continued to believe we would land on our feet. We listened once more, although I petitioned to stop yet your Love was so strong that it crushed all other thought.
We hit and we sank in the darkness of the abyss and it opened our eyes while it weakened your grip. Shattered and weak from the blood that you lost I picked up your pieces and put them back in your box.
I mended your wounds and bandaged you up but a piece still was missing you wouldn’t give up. The cliff that we hit so hard still has a piece of your beaten up heart. You left it there as a beacon of light to find your way back when you’re ready for flight.
My dear fragile Heart I cannot allow it as you wouldn’t survive another fall down it. So we have decided us Body and all to lock you away in the depths of our Soul. Poor mislead, barely breathing, yet you insist that it is not over.
You’re blinded by Love even in your poor state but I pray you keep it that way so it won’t turn to Hate. This is why you are banished and locked back away until we do pass or if Love brings your piece that you left back.
For that piece is the key to unlocking these binds but be sure we will fight it with logic not emotion. So sleep dear Heart of mine as best as you can for you won’t bother anyone ever again…….
And neither they you.