Love Poem: Goodbye My Old Girl

Goodbye My Old Girl

          my name is Snuggles Kitty 
and I live in a Victorian apartment building
with my human mother and elderly Smudges Cat
Smudges is very old and sometime forgets to clean her face
                   so, I do that for her 

    one morning mother got the cat carrier out
               (I really hate that thing)
    anyways, she put my old girl inside and left
       I wanted to yell ... bring her back, please
    and when mother came home that carrier was empty

          and mother was weeping and weeping
              I did not understand at first
                  and I tried my best to comfort her
                          finally, I searched for old Smudges everywhere

     then, I knew ... my old girl had crossed the rainbow bridge                 
         ( I wonder, did mother know that I was weeping too)

I rolled myself up in my blanket for three days
     and refused to drink or eat 
                           until mother said in her big voice
Snuggles that is enough ...  I don't want to lose you too

             mother left me on the bed under my blanket
                        until I came looking for her
                   I ate  and drank
                         and cuddled with mother purring loudly

we are coming to terms with living without our precious Smudges
         though, the end of grieving may be far away
                   we still have each other
                Smudges is buried in the garden 
                    in the shade of a tree
     it is the spot she loved ... a rock marks her grave
and in every season we leave her flowers
              and, everyday we leave tears for our old girl